The Necessity of Happy Moments | Teen Ink

The Necessity of Happy Moments

December 19, 2020
By EclipseLi SILVER, Beijing, Other
EclipseLi SILVER, Beijing, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cor cordium

Recently I was really sad and tired.
So I decided it was about time to record

The little moments of happiness in my life.

I was happy when I passed the gas station And found they changed the colors of their sign.

It used to be a really cheap color scheme.
Red and green, if I got it right.
Now thery used dark blue
To match with pale lemon yellow.

It looked very pretty.
And I was happy.

Watching Ramsay's cooking show
At 4 in the morning on YouTube,
And crept in kitchen on tiptoe
Opened the fridge and rummaged around Watched Love Actually
for the 7th time,
Even though today was not Christmas.

Got fed up and turned it off
after 15 minutes.
Watched Troye Sivan paint his nails
It sent out an
incredible soothing power.
Scanned the cuisine section
on the New Yorker.
I felt happy, at these moments.

I was happy every time I read
A Man Called Ove.

I was happy when falling asleep on my keyboard,
And their voices and laughter passed into my ears.
I was happy when I grabbed
the last copy of
Cats in the Medieval Manuscripts in Page One.
When I needed to be a little happier,

I listened to 9,999,999 Tears
for the 83rd times.

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