Sometimes Ever, Sometimes Never | Teen Ink

Sometimes Ever, Sometimes Never

December 19, 2020
By EclipseLi SILVER, Beijing, Other
EclipseLi SILVER, Beijing, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cor cordium

Once again, I fall back into where I began. Empty office, scratchy handwriting -
Like a jumper from an aunt with bad taste Sent a mild tickle under your skin.
Everything can upset me now.
I hate his how-is-it-going casualness;

His fluid magnetism that charmed everyone over;
His dark blue-striped shirt;
His leftover coffee on the desk;

His overly strong perfume.

Delayed messages. Rotten tomatoes. Ignored calls.
Procrastination. Dried blueberries. Self-loathing at midnight.
I'm sad again, again!
For absolutely no reason.
There's a knot tangled around my stomach. Break it, I told myself.
Break this deadlock.

And you will be free.

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