Kitchen at 2 AM | Teen Ink

Kitchen at 2 AM

December 19, 2020
By EclipseLi SILVER, Beijing, Other
EclipseLi SILVER, Beijing, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cor cordium

Kitchen at 2 AM, as bright as heaven.
Inside the refrigerator at 2 AM

Quietly lied apples and oranges,
Like the drunken man we saw
On the street in Seoul at 2 AM
Who held up his body by a random Rolls-Royce

Without making a sound.
So what's the difference between man and fruit?

I asked myself at midnight,
Wasting my time again for endless whim.
Kitchen at 2 AM was as bright as heaven.
I turned on microwave as if lighting up a bonfire.

Fragrance of expired croissant wafted into the air

Like toasting marshmallows by the mantelpiece

In Silverstein's books I read back in childhood.

Rinsing the tin lunch box at 2 AM
The greasiness adhered to my fingers
Creates a fake sense of homecoming.
But, anyway, it was enough.
Good enough to fool a drowsy soul at midnight.

The author's comments:

I'm a high school student studying in an international department from a public school in Beijing. I'm very passionate in literature and also thinking about to major it in college.

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