Quarantined | Teen Ink


December 14, 2020
By mkernion BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
mkernion BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was one school day

When they called out to say

No school for two weeks

COVID 19 had to speak

Everyone started to cheer

They did not know it was going to be for the rest of the year

Quarantine became a thing

It was the middle of spring

No hanging out with friends

It seemed like good things were coming to an end

Masks became common

Since restaurants were closed everyone was eating rahmen

Riding bikes in the neighborhood

Everything started to be good

Family time was spent

As it was Corona everyone tried to prevent

Things became more normal in the summer

In November it went back to being a bummer

A vaccine is on the way

Hopefully we will be back to normal one day

The author's comments:

This piece is about the Corona Virus. It talks about all of the good and bad effects it has had on people. 

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