A Daughter´s Best Friends | Teen Ink

A Daughter´s Best Friends

November 6, 2020
By Fbeeck SILVER, Earling, Iowa
Fbeeck SILVER, Earling, Iowa
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨We´ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.¨ -Sirius Black

When people say a mother is a daughter’s best friend

They were not bluffing or spinning a tale

A mother is there through the thick and thin

She picks you up back up when you can't get back up again

You can tell her anything and she will keep it in her heart

Because she has locked it away and savored it

Moms are there when you’re little

 The playing pretend and the barbie doll fun

She always fixed your boo-boos and gave you warming hugs

But as you grow older and distance grows with you

You’ll start to feel stranded and alone

But when you feel the worst yet to come

Your mother will take your hand and guide you back home

More years pass

And you become a mother like your own

It will be a struggle but your moms here to help

Your mother will help you through the dirty diapers and the long sleepless nights

Offering words of encouragement and helping hands

When your problems become scary

And you think you can't go on

You don't have to go through it without anyone

Ask for help and your mother will come running

People were not lying when they said

Mother’s truly are a girl's best friend

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