His Journey | Teen Ink

His Journey

December 6, 2019
By bsprague03 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
bsprague03 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A boy doing what he well pleased

Took off from Hawaii to the east.

He surfed and swam and worked at the beach,

Believing his heaven he had reached.

When soon the draw of college came,

And the boy returned west again.

At college he learned and played a sport

But still would ponder a different port.

Law school called in the Crescent City,

Where he met a girl and thought she was pretty.

As life was light and easy and gay,

He must have thought “Kids, no way!”

But my sister and I were born at last,

So he sold his motorcycle without a thought of the past.

He’d tuck us in bed and read us a book

But was always up early to give hugs and maybe cook.

Each morning, with the sun, he heads to work

Without a complaint, which is a perk.

But all the while, I’m certain so tired,

He made time to talk, which I always admired.

He taught us to surf and then bought a boat,

so we could be with him on land or afloat.

So he found his new heaven with us by his side,

For which I am thankful with a feeling of pride.

The author's comments:

This is the journey of my dad through life, eventually meeting my mom. Then, I describe how he has been as a father to me.

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