Queen Africa | Teen Ink

Queen Africa

November 12, 2019
By Anonymous


The poem of simplicity





Smile once, again the Kenyan way,

The African laugh, the cradle of our culture,

And our pride, of pure enthusiasm,

And heritage, of togetherness,

And harmony, amongst us,

The vigor and liquor,

The foods to drinks,

That we drink to celebrate,

And commemorate our continent,

Our blood and pigment,

That joins,

A woman in Gabon,

A son in Kenya,

A daughter in Zambia,

A father in Egypt,

A raindrop, we shall share,

In love without killings,

And no feelings, but happiness,

And that is,

Queen Africa.

But I sadden, the way,

His Excellency spends his salary,

Yet I suffer moving from,

From tea farms to coffee factories,

Yet he sits luxuriously,

Improvising committees,

Conferences and even summits,

Yet I suffer Queen Africa.

Queen Africa why are the great minds going to the universities,

Seen in corrupt issues and even seen in the media for being criminals,

Queen Africa why is the continent regarded as a poor place,

Yet Africans are building the economy by paying the taxes,

Queen Africa why do I see people celebrating lives of,

Kofi Annan to Jomo Kenyatta to Nelson Mandela to Gama Abdel Nasser to Leopold Senghor,

Yet terrorist groups,

Are murdering innocent souls,

But even though Queen Africa,

You sentence my uncle for life,

Just because he raped my cousin,

Why do you forgive Dr. Kenneth and Prof. Christine?

For their corrupt ways,

Yesterday we lost Bob Collymore,

We mourn for his good actions,

Yet Governor Haiden is stealing the county’s funds.

Queen Africa the education is at stake,

You have to be awake to do what it takes,

For my brother was thrown away,

He has no fees despite having no meals.

Queen Africa why do you allow foreigners in the continent,

Who hunt elephants and rhinos?

For their trunks and skins,

Just because they want a coin,

Queen Africa, you send great fluent representatives,

Yet my aunt is illiterate,

Tell me, Queen Africa, why the police officer is taking a bribe,

From the bus, I boarded yesterday,

Tell me Queen Africa why the doctor is not treating my sick grandmother,

Just because she is not of the same tribe,

Do you remember Queen Africa when my friend was forcefully circumcised?

She was later married to a seventy- year old man,

Why did you not help her yet I asked you for help,

Through the area chief but you ignored,

Tell me, Queen Africa, when will the drought stop?

Leaders are eating the money for buying maize from the USA,

Claiming that my father is sleeping,

Yet the produce of papa’s crops,

Fluctuates every day,

While the market deteriorates,

Queen Africa the needy are waiting,

For your generous hand to reach them,

The orphans are begging that you comfort them,

But they cry in sorrow and loneliness,

When they end up in slave labor,

In the name of money,

The women are on streets campaigning against drugs,

Yet you open a new industry for tobacco,

But I believe that you will close it,

But I thank you, Queen Africa,

For job opportunities despite calamities,

For producing the good society,

And continent I share with my fellow Africans,

Congratulations Queen Africa for uniting us through different religions,

From Christianity to Islamic to Hinduism to many more religions,

We respect our Creator and from Him,

He provides harmony and togetherness

Queen Africa, I am glad for the diversity you have,

Yesterday I planted a tree in your Cape Ranges,

The breath is incredible,

Not forgetting the lovely nature that I call home,

Queen Africa thank you for your efforts,

For empowering the women in the society,

For educating the men we call fathers in the society

For the AU, COMESA, SADC, IGAD, ECOWAS, EAC organizations in Queen Africa,

Big up for enhancing unity through different communities,

And exchanging various commodities,

The teachers are fantastic,

Thank you Mr. Kiminda Wambugu,

For motivating me to be a true African,

Through your words of advice, I learned,

That Queen Africa is my Africa,

The author's comments:

This is a poem that I being a 16-year-old poet lives in Africa and sees the good and bad experiences in my continent, Africa. the poem, Queen Africa, highlights major issues that we face as Africans and also the good side of it. Poets from Africa should cherish their background especially to the world of how great it would one to say that, I am an African. Enjoy the poem.

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