My New Baby Cousin | Teen Ink

My New Baby Cousin

May 17, 2019
By mackenziega9 BRONZE, Ottawa Lake, Michigan
mackenziega9 BRONZE, Ottawa Lake, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Filled with excitement and impatience

I stride with eagerness through the tall glass doors.

The distinctive hospital smell falls over me filled with multiple auras.

The green stripes of paint on the walls and doors

like shamrocks sprinkled all over a March field.

The anticipation comes over me and the elevator could not move any slower.

From there, we stroll down the long, winding, brown corridor to room 214.

In the room, I lay my eyes on my aunt holding a pink baby blanket.

I walk to the side of the bed to see the tiniest human my eyes have ever seen.

Her eyes open to reveal their dark, beautiful coloring as she wakes from her nap.

We eagerly ask what her name is.


The name itself is beautiful and young.

I hold her in my arms and I know that I already love her.

I also know she will grow up way to fast

So I make a promise to myself to cherish every moment.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece about the time when I first met my baby cousin. It is one of the most remembered memories of my life. 

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