People Who Mean Something | Teen Ink

People Who Mean Something

May 14, 2019
By PastelPaigee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
PastelPaigee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Tall and lithe like the trees

With hair like the bright sun,

Golden in the light.

Eyes like the sky after a summer shower,

Pale blue and serene.


Kind and comforting,

Like a blanket in the cold.

Open and honest.

Soft and vulnerable,

Like a flower.


Studious and disciplined,

Encouraging me to do better.

Inspiring me to be better.














A laugh as comforting as the wind through the trees,

With arms as welcoming as the sunlight.

Kindness as plentiful as fruit in the spring,

A smile as stark as the snow.


Hair like the night,

Adorned with clips of the rainbow.

Freckles like the stars,

Burning bright.


Hands coats in rings of silver and gold,

Shining gems do not dull your beauty.

A girl with flowers in her,

And gold in her heart.
















Like the tides.

A fierce wind to be reckoned with.

But warm with the right people.

I would describe her as a rough kind of love.


She tells the truth when you don’t want to hear it,

And won’t apologize for it.

Stubborn as all get out,

And funny as she could be.


With hair in ringlets around her face,

And full lips to match.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by those close to me.

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