ignorant boy with homemade wings | Teen Ink

ignorant boy with homemade wings

April 2, 2019
By Anonymous

watch me as i fall

sunlitwax melted into a golden armor

dripping down my shoulders.

watch the sea spray flee

as i scratch the surface like a childs skipping stone

do i fall with metalic eyes, chin lifted high

or do i cling to what i might have had?

shape me like the clay of the river-- 

make me whatever you need me to be.


breathe my name on god-fearing lips,

tell your children of the ignorant boy

with homemade wings

tell them i failed,

that death took me early

--penance for my sins

but tell them i died with my freedom

grasped tightly in my hands

that i died with adrenaline in my heart,

reckless abandon consuming my soul;

i was imortal as i flew,

endless as i breathed in the sea.

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