Jealous Heavens | Teen Ink

Jealous Heavens

March 27, 2019
By Boston2004 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Boston2004 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

charming laughter fills the sky
childish and soft.
the summers leaves drift,
and beads of sweat glisten,
heaven is jealous
of the light that shines
on the soft summer
Saturday morning
and the scent of beauty intoxicates me.

the beautiful clear night
awaits you
in a sweet blued pendant
that hangs around my mind
in the lingering
never ending summer.

The author's comments:

This shows the thoughts that come up into my mind, and how it looks when I freestyle I I've always had these types of thoughts flowing in my head but I've never truly put them to paper.

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