The Sun Reigns | Teen Ink

The Sun Reigns

March 3, 2019
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blazing Tongues lick the sky raw.

Leaving Their glowing mark of Heat

Behind clouds gasping for air.

Dry Dirt wrtihes and crumbles beneath the overwhelming Heat.

The Sun watches the suffering and plants perish.

The Sun is not merciful to its subjects.

It Rules over the living.

In Sadistic glares, the Sun cunningly grins at its destruction.

Its Rays struggle and wrestle every blade of grass to the ground 

and suffocate it.

The Sun reigns 

and the water has been exiled.

The Sun Reigns.

The Sun Reigns.

The Sun Reigns.


When will it Rain? 

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