Swimming Pool | Teen Ink

Swimming Pool

February 15, 2019
By jordanrseiler BRONZE, Austin, Texas
jordanrseiler BRONZE, Austin, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sweet little girl

Brought into the world as pure as a little raindrop

Eyes a crystal blue with a whole future ahead

Her mom’s hazel eyes look into the shallow depths of her little girl

and she falls in love

A future of love and compassion is all the mom sees for her princess

first steps and word scared mommy

She doesn’t want her little girl to see how the world is today




She prays her little girl will not feel pain

2nd grade her pumpkin comes home crying devastated by the way kids treat her

Fear flashes in mom’s protective hazel eyes

Her little girl now a little bigger

the bigger she gets the more pain she will experience

Mother prays that her little girl will not feel any more pain

8th grade her little girl has gone through more agony then she wanted

All of a sudden the sound of her mom’s beatless heart hits the floor

shattering into millions of imperfect pieces.

The floor has an indent in which hold mothers dreams for her little girl.

The girl laughs a storm of giggles by what the doctor said

The girls storm is a contrasting set of emotion than moms

her little girl now sitting in a hospital bed about to have surgery

She waits and waits for her baby

Every second throws her into more of a panic

She just wants you to be okay….

The small scars on her knee have such strain in her life

All of a sudden her stress reliever has become her heartbreaker

10th grade she scares her mom

tears are always speed down and it seems as if she is never able to comprehend the amount of fuel needed to smile

For mother it seems like the weather is never sunny in her world

Back and forth the pain travels

Mother breaks to see she can’t do anything

Her little girl

Her pure drop of water has dipped her toes into the swimming pool of miserable and distressed water

She just wanted her little girl to smile more

But now her little girl is not so little anymore

She has become independent and is self destruct

Her depression controls her and is the mastermind to all of the pain in her life.

It pushes buttons and becomes so unmanageable

mother cry’s to make her little girl smile

She begs the Lord for her little girl to be okay

Her little girl has finally jumped off the diving board and has hit the bottom of the pool

her little girl is now sinking inside the cold and ruthless waves

With the disappearance of all the ones that her baby girl loves

Her daughter is now letting the world get to her

The sounds of the negativity whispering in her ears like little yellow bees

Where did such a beautiful girl go...

Now as the girl fades away she sees her moms shadow

Her fear of the world makes her feel as if she has gone insane

As her mom’s face gets swallowed by the cruel cold monsters

The girl starts to weep



praying that mother will be okay

For the first time mothers beauty is visible to such a lost soul

The hazel eyes and the words mother wished for her little girl come back

Now fighting the world’s negativity to save her

As the roles reverse, she does everything to pull her mom out of the painful hole that she dove into

trying to revert time

You pray

God please make my mom not feel any more pain




The author's comments:

it is based off of real life situations and is a peices to show how the girl and the moms realtionship is.

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