A friend | Teen Ink

A friend

February 8, 2019
By PoetryIsToldByAnyone BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
PoetryIsToldByAnyone BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I try to let my decisions be guided not by what I think will succeed or fail, but what I'm going to learn"- Lin Manuel Miranda

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace."-George Washington

"There is no good or evil: only power and those too weak to seek it."-J.K Rowling

What is a friend?
They pick you up whence down
They carry you all the way around.

A friend is someone who cares
They always are there for you when no else is
When they care you feel alright.

A friend is someone who loves you
They laugh at your jokes
They always cheer you up

A friend is someone who tries
If you ever need their help they will come running
When they don’t they will apologize endlessly.

A friend is someone who apologizes
When they make a harsh joke about you they say, I’m sorry
If you're sad because they joked about you in front of others they say, I didn’t mean it

A friend is someone who will always leave you behind
They use you for their own personal gain
If they don’t listen run away from them

A friend is someone that’s not important
Family matters more than anyone
They will stay by your side until the end.

A friend will betray you
Secrets are no secrets to them
Friendship is dead to them

The author's comments:

I have had friends who have betrayed me so greatly and I realized Family is always there. Hopefully you do too.

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