You cant just have me | Teen Ink

You cant just have me

February 2, 2019
By ESurvive BRONZE, Park City, Utah
ESurvive BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

I have already been through this

Six days and seven nights

Just crying... non stop

Balling my eyes out

watching my heart as it tears

All for you

Just a person I knew for a little while

Just a person a loved

A person I trusted and charised

Just a person who broke my heart

Just a person who left me speechless in tears

Just a person who took my heart and burned it

Justa person who stole my friends

Just a person who made me learn the hard way

To never do it again

And now here you come

Saying you deserve as much as him

Saying you love me

Saying you will treat me better

Saying you will not act the same

Will not hurt me just like he did

But not telling the truth

Not saying that in the end...

I will be alone

That you will take what I have made new

In the end you will hate me

Because just like all the others

You don't want me for my personality

Or my smile

Not even my laugh or sence of humor

Not because I make a dark room bright

Or because I see the good in people

You only want me for my looks

My beautiful butterscotch hair

And my tick curves

My perfect jawline and my soft skin

Well you have been blind to think

That after all my time spent crying

Hurting myself

Watching as they all leave me

That I would make the same mistake

The mistake to choose a guy..

Who does not see the good in me

And who would rather leave than fight




The author's comments:

I lost someone who I really loved, and It was my fault. But that does not mean that everyone should get a peice of me, just because he did. 

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