Shooing Flies | Teen Ink

Shooing Flies

January 30, 2019
By j-landes BRONZE, Boulder Creek, California
j-landes BRONZE, Boulder Creek, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a labyrinth, jungle of anyone else,

through buzzing clouds and mists of time,

You came. My lungs dried like salt

in a wound.


Chasing glimpses of death i was led

back to last Christmas, last

autumn rain, last summer drive and

ages before that before me

why am i dizzy? where did i

start from? when did i

last see you?


fog swirls around me view

goes black i wake up in my

bedroom with a headache the

flies don’t help and i

can't move i'm melti

ng damn that'll never

come out of the carpet i

can't see the photos any

more but your face is still

in my head the salt festers now

i know why the flies have

been screaming around me they're


The author's comments:

As I happened upon my ex-partner's social media account, this poem came all at once and begged to be recorded. Though we hadn't talked in nearly a year, I found myself obsessed with the pleasant memories and (mostly) addicted to the pain. Here, I meant to capture that very personal post-relationship stage; the lingering emotions that become part of one's personal development and can never be completely resolved or forgotten.

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