Welcome to the World | Teen Ink

Welcome to the World

January 4, 2019
By Imariahjoy BRONZE, Canoga Park, California
Imariahjoy BRONZE, Canoga Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The next time he points out the hair on your legs is growing back remind that boy your body is not his home, he is a guest warm him to never overstep his welcome again.” - Rupi Kaur

Welcome to the world. 

Welcome to the land of homophobia.

Welcome to the land of lip injections and silicone presents.

Welcome to the world where no one is truly free,and our rights are kept bottled up in boxes. 

Welcome to the world where parents show their love through bruises and broken bottles. 

Welcome to the land of the depressed and anxious. 

Welcome to the world that we all know as home.

Welcome, take a seat close your eyes and dream about a better one. 

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