Soulmate | Teen Ink


December 21, 2018
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a child,

 I believed that my Prince Charming would come.

I dreamt amazing dreams.


But that’s all they were.




As I grew older,

I believed in soulmates


Until I met him


And he altered...sorry,

I mean he destroyed

my way of thinking.

Then I wanted nothing to do with love.


Sooner or later,

I would meet another.

And I was so sure he was my soulmate.

Everything made sense.

It all seemed to be like a Disney movie.


A farce.


A tragedy.


A comedic disaster for the sadists.


My eyes were so used to the lens of tears,

That soon they became my eyes.


I do not believe in soulmates.

I will not surrender to childish fantasies anymore.

I cannot believe in a soulmate because the very word offends me.

The very image of the one I thought was my soulmate

stabs me repeatedly with a dagger of grief.


Coming and going, goes the pain,

as well as the men in masks claiming



I have to stop the performance,

because the ludacris idea of soulmate

is killing me.

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