Monster | Teen Ink


December 21, 2018
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments


why do you yell all the time?

Why is it only when you drink from the cup, that things are bad?

Why are you always drinking from the cup?

Why do you hit Mama?

She didn’t do anything wrong.


Why can’t you just stop?


how long has it been?

You sleep on the couch

because Mommy doesn’t want you with her anymore in her bed.

Now Mommy sleeps in my room.

She protects me from the monsters under my bed.

She is so brave.

I love Her.

I remember one time I told Her

how She protects me from the monsters

hiding in my room.

Under the carpet.

In the closet.

In my bed and under it,

I asked Her,

how she did it.

And She replied,

“because You always protected me from the monster in my bed."

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