You Thought It Wouldn’t Happen To You | Teen Ink

You Thought It Wouldn’t Happen To You MAG

December 13, 2018
By ssbryson BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
ssbryson BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rock, paper, scissors, shoot

Quiet footsteps shift the dust. In the dirty halls

A deep burst of sound bellows through
the halls

The silence that follows slices the school
girls’ chatter

A loud cry breaks the empty void of confusion

(Strange and quiet – words he was described by)

His dull black combat boots pace quiet yet briskly: down the hall

Halls covered in children’s artwork

(Footsteps come to a halt)

Staring into the blobs of color called art

Falling deep in a hole of dreadful memories

Memories of the hate he endured

Memories of how he cried every time he was dropped off at school

Memories of all the people he wanted dead

Memories of why he is where he is today

(Footsteps continued)

(Gunshots followed)

Some think it’s the last phone call

Classes brawl

Textbooks are no match for an automatic weaponized machine

Other students crawl

The first victims found begin to bawl

The ones lost are remembered forever

The dark endeavor ahead

Too much bloodshed

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 24 2018 at 9:47 pm
RapunzelHair BRONZE, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is so deep! I have thought about this issue many times before. Seeing another place it into the words that have only appeared as brief shadows of existence in my mind is oddly...comforting. Comforting in such a way that calls through the rest of the cloud of thought as a reprimand. A call to action.