I'm Not Pretty | Teen Ink

I'm Not Pretty

November 9, 2018
By emily_eliasson BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin, Wisconsin
emily_eliasson BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If there’s one thing you should

know about me it is that I am not pretty.

I’m not like the girls who have

That sun kissed glow, eyes sparkling,

teeth as white as pearls,

the ones who seem to always have  

people radiate around them ,

a sun in the crowd’s galaxy.

I am not the type of girl who relies

on social media for approval, who

depends on likes and comments

like they are my lifeline

I am not those girls.


      When you look at me in the hall ,

all you will see is someone you hardly know,

someone you’ve seen around but never fully talked to,

someone who is a ghost in your mansion of friends.


people will ask me why I dye my hair pink,

why I wear all black,

why am I into girls ,

why I give my love to those who are undeserving of it,

why I am the way that I am,

why can’t I just be normal?

Why aren’t you normal ?


And as I sit on the bathroom floor,

staring at myself angrily,

hating myself for who I’ve become,

I think of all the girls who are just like me.  


Individuality is a treasure that

everyone seeks and yet it is

the treasure that comes

with the highest price.

The author's comments:

I'm a senior in high school and like to write poetry when I have the time.

This piece is about not fiitting in with the 'pretty' girls at school, and comparing yourself to them. 

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