Reading | Teen Ink


November 6, 2018
By 8wf7 BRONZE, Dunedin, Florida
8wf7 BRONZE, Dunedin, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Reading is like watching a movie 

In your head

Creating images of places

And people.

Words come to life

As they dance across the pages


Every second




I live to discover the mysteries

Between each line

Every second




I search for blissful conclusions


the best ones though 

are unexpected

just as a weatherman predicts rain

but the sun shines bright.

The greatest lessons are usually learned

the hard way.

Juat like 9/11

as the buildings tumbled

the world knew

life was rather precious.


Everyone has a story to be told.

Write it down.

So I can read it out

read it to the world

discover life 

in your point of view.

Are you twisting down a spiral tube?

Or are you

smiling with pearly whites dancing 

with friends?

Either way

there will be a lesson learned.


When you read you receive knowledge

When you read you learn to empathize

When you read you expand your left brain

This is because when you read you are no longer Katelyn, John, or Sera.


No, now you are a reader.

Now you can enjoy this life and go down

dark paths

with a book and smile on your face.

The author's comments:

My name is Katelyn Fast and I have a deep passion for reading and writing. This poem explains the joy I feel when I read. I truly believe everyone has a story they can and should tell. You never know what may come out of it. For example this poem started as a school assignment but then my Language-Arts teacher suggest I submit it here. I hope that someone will read this and and understand exactly how I feel as I enter a new world!

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