Underwater | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By Anonymous

Underwater things are clear

Never do I feel fear

During which I am at peace

Ever in the pretty, blue deep

Rigorously the water soothes

Where I am is never news

As long as I am in my place of soothing peace

Today, in this place, I can finally be me

Ever in love with the ocean deep

Really soon I must leave, but not before I am cloaked in peace

The author's comments:

I am always loved swimming, and felt relaxed when I am in water. This poem was actually written 3 years ago in my Computer class for a mouse pad that I was making, and has been sitting on my desk ever since. However, it has always remained one of my favorite poems, and though these days I find it hard to find time to go swimming, and the fact that I have only been to the ocean twice in my life, I will always love it.

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