The Summer The Island Stole | Teen Ink

The Summer The Island Stole

September 17, 2018
By sbovard BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
sbovard BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

paint my lips.

my eyes.

my cheeks.

coat my face in lies,

my body in deception.

i am not who i am,

the water so cold it stings,

up my thighs

lapping at my chest

i forget to breathe

before my head goes under

void of sound,

of light,

of parental supervision.

a stranger offers me beer on the beach,

a stranger offers me sex on the internet



biking and running

pounding the pavement

pumping the pedals

until my heart beats out of my chest

trying desperately not to think


drowning four times

before turning three

bit by two yellow jackets

stung by one bee

evening light

burning up your face


illuminating all that i had suspected



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