I Wear the Mask | Teen Ink

I Wear the Mask

September 17, 2018
By jadafl1234 BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
jadafl1234 BRONZE, Springfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wear my mask
That hides all my flaws
I don’t speak out, afraid to be seen
You must be nice, don’t ever be mean
It is extremely important how you are seen

Always follow society's rules
Can’t be myself- I “gotta” be cool
Wear your clothes a certain way
Hide what you don’t want to be true
Put on a smile just walk away
You just can’t be you

But what happens if I want to be me
If I want to speak out and if I want to be seen
What if I express how I feel
Let the fake skin peel

What if I break all the rules
If I am myself and don’t act cool
What if I let it all be true
Let the people see
I am me

The author's comments:

People should read this piece and understadn that it's okay to be themselves.

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