The Tragedy | Teen Ink

The Tragedy

September 14, 2018
By claire52 BRONZE, Thomson, Georgia
claire52 BRONZE, Thomson, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Endless stories echo in my head.

Proud lies and silent truths resound.

“Our unity makes us strong” the say,

what isn’t said are the differences that divide.

Past teachers cry as they tell stories, and those emotions are reflected on our young faces.

Yes we feel, yes we hurt, but we can’t possibly let it destroy us.

We remember and march on, dwelling not on the past but the future.

We honor and remember those who died.

We don’t attack others who we believe resemble our attackers.

9/11 was a pure tragedy, nothing less.

But tragedies should strengthen us,

They should make stronger people in moments of future weaknesses.

Bottomless visions cascade through my brain.

I am apart of a generation that remembers and forgives.

A generation that honors and will teach future generations about that day.

We remember sacrifice, death, and heroism.

We remember 9/11

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