Friends matter | Teen Ink

Friends matter

September 10, 2018
By Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Erika.rose SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

I heard many say people treat others based off of how they have been treated in the past. But is that truly fair? Some people have been treated really poorly but is that fair to the people who want to care for them. Do the people they turn to for help deserve to be treated so poorly. Why yell at the person that has lifted up when you couldn’t stand so tall? Everyone has a part of there life that isn’t perfect but why take that out on the person who wants to change your life forever.That person may be a friend but one day they may want to be more than that. Don't ruin your chance at finding love because you are too stubborn and too afraid. People are cruel but you may meet someone who looks at you the way a dog looks at food. Everyone has tough time. Everyone needs help but you can't push away the people who want to help you. That person wants to make you laugh when you are crying. They want to be there with you when you feel alone. Why give that up? Why run from something perfect? After pushing people away for so long all they are going to do is give up. You can’t be mad at them because you were the one that pushed them away for so long. Even if they left then if you need them back they will come back. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

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