Mirror, mirror... | Teen Ink

Mirror, mirror...

August 27, 2018
By M BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
M BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

You are watched. When you look at me,

The reflection of your eyes looks back.

I can see your shirt and the part in your hair;

The loose, but clean nonchalant purpose,

Your glinting metal zippers and hidden pimples,

I see your disguised skin, your covered scars.

I watch you wash away your distinct features

And I smile.


I love your fear of being seen,

I see your too-short legs and too-long neck.

Your fat is visible to me, I pinch your skin with my gaze,

Fear of yourself, so sour sweet in my mouth,

You’re so tough between my mind’s teeth.

Futile push-ups and thickened jeans are my joy,

I love your discomfort in your own skin.


You are watched,

When you look at me you see my pale skin,

My unshaven legs, my cut-less wild hair,

I laugh at you with my too husky voice, gruesome teeth.

You are revolted by my sunken eyes and wrong nose.

So funny: you pupils dilate with fear,

Mine widen to dark calm pools, showing you to yourself.

You know my face.

I am Envy.

The author's comments:

You are beautiful. Your skin will only ever fit you, your eyes will only ever fill with your soul. You are strange. You are unique. Nothing entirely normal was ever beautiful. 

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