Unstoppable Force | Teen Ink

Unstoppable Force

July 30, 2018
By PriyaD BRONZE, Los Altos, California
PriyaD BRONZE, Los Altos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is just a pebble
On the seashore
Before it is grabbed by the waves
And tossed into a tempest

You are just out of reach
Of greedy waves
That relentlessly
Grasp my ankles
And leave me with the taste of
Stubborn sand and stinging loss

A peeling sign that may as well
Be recycled from the last tide
That brought me to this shore
Separates me and you

For sale, sold, to distant seas
That await me
Filled with foreign
Fronds and foam
Shells and shoals

Though seagulls call at every beach
Will never be
On the next shore I land on

I’ll be a castaway again
Robed in tatters of memories
Of you
Straining to hear muttering echoes in shells
Of you

But you will move on
Because you will never
From our small sandy stretch
On a lonely oceanfront

Castaways will land
Confused as I will be
And you may befriend them too

Here, there, anywhere,
I’ll be
Yet slapping the sea
With my insignificant palms
To row against
The current

Are we doomed
To sending desperate notes
In barnacled bottles
Diverted by the undertow?

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