The Lone Walk | Teen Ink

The Lone Walk

July 3, 2018
By Frivolous_Poet BRONZE, Udaipur, Other
Frivolous_Poet BRONZE, Udaipur, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Stranded in the middle of nowhere,
He looked around, to find, nobody,
That moment, he realised, the path was secluded,
With all sorts of hardships included

There were long distances to cover,
With directions to the destiny unclear,
He took his first step,
Assured only of his existence,
And full faith in persistence

He trudged along, with firm belief,
Continually trying to forget his grief,
He had to stay strong,
As he knew the Journey ahead was long.

Many obstacles were to be conquered,
More sacrifices to be made,
He did whatever the way asked for,
As he believed the end was a lot more.

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