Homecoming Parade | Teen Ink

Homecoming Parade

January 15, 2016
By Anonymous

It was the Oklahoma State homecoming parade
That happens every year
However, on this horrific Saturday
Someone had one too many beers

Adacia was under the influence
And didn't know what she was doing
Next thing she remembers
Is her car plowing into innocent people viewing

People flew in the air
Others began screaming and started to run
Adacia still didn't know what happened
Until she felt the impact...
Then she knew what she had done

Dozens of people lay on the ground
Many unable to move
They were immediately rushed to the hospital
So their condition could possibly improve

Unfortunately four people did not survive
They were three OSU members and a 2-year old boy
Forty-seven others were injured
Many families and lives were now destroyed

Adacia still lives
But is living in a jail
She is facing a second degree murder charge
Others predict she will never make bail

This tragedy would never have happened
If Adacia didn't drink and drive
Now other people must suffer
And others are no longer alive

The author's comments:

I chose to write about the Oklahoma Homecoming Parade because when I first heard about it on the news, I was truly shocked at how many accidents are caused due to drunk driving. I hoped that this poem would impact people in the way that the news did for me and they would choose to think before they decide to drive intoxicated. They risk not only their own lives, but also possibly the lives of others.

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