Feelings of Fools | Teen Ink

Feelings of Fools

February 18, 2015
By ElvenBard BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
ElvenBard BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Up, down, up, down
Hand moves baton unseen
In band class
To music’s beat

Everyday songs we played
You in third row and I in second
Enthusiastic spirit always
Contagiously did it beckon

What others call a specimen
Never were considered
Yet in these eyes
All others withered

Pleasant smile
Reflected gaze
Cow-licked hair
Focus unfaze 

To say “hello”
Apex of day
You wonder why?
All I could ever say

Passed on by
Smile at sight
Back at home
Cried at internal plight

Peers adjacent
Souls of grey
That of thine
As light as day

Play aloof
Master of game
Rather I know
More than a name

Now the horn
You once did play
In case aside
Never daily put away

Sat I in pit
You crossed in red
Parted ways
Though much I do regret

Phoenix from ashes
Self-destructed tower
Rise to lead
In final hour

Stand now
Where you were then
See foolish whim
Of feeling then

To keep the peace
Hardened heart I did
To circumvent
Unwanted feelings repeated

The author's comments:

A poem about one's feelings who were never returned and her reflection on those feelings.

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