Summer Rose | Teen Ink

Summer Rose

February 9, 2015
By Zoe Boggs BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
Zoe Boggs BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Come live with me, don’t say goodbye
And we will laugh until we cry
As we scamper up and down
Among the stars, the lights of town

And we will smell the barbeque
That fills your heart and makes love true
Taste all the music spilling out
Like a flood into a drought

And I will make you towering cakes
Scones that melt in buttery flakes
We’ll curl up in the afternoon
Watch rom-coms till the rising moon

Clothes that make us look elite
We’ll book out a Peabody suite
In the lobby with fake cocktails
A Shirley Temple, if all else fails

Driving around, radio and the breeze
My sweatshirt thrown across your knees
We’ll fight over the thermostat
You’ll sing tenor, I’ll sing flat

The city’s my sunset, the summer’s my rose
My ring is how the music goes
If these gestures are enough for you,
Then come with me, don’t say adieu.

The author's comments:

This poem is modeled after Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." It's inspired by my ideal of love, and by my favorite things to do around my city. Thanks for reading, and I'd appreciate any feedback!

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