The Hidden Monster | Teen Ink

The Hidden Monster

December 4, 2013
By Just_a_Teen_with_a_Pen SILVER, Zionsville, Indiana
Just_a_Teen_with_a_Pen SILVER, Zionsville, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

No thought had I
That you were not but a bother
Though we were like no other
Your mouth spoke the lies
That covered the goodbyes
And your lips like poison
Taking my soul
And trapping it in a prison

So sweet at first
Yet your kindness was just a sheet
Hiding the devilish monster within
And that monster held an evil grin
As he ripped the beating heart
From my open chest
I am naive, I must confess
But your tricks could fool a maven
Your heart as black as a raven
Grim as you are
Whim I have grown

Beauty is what is seen
But look closer my dear
For it is quite clear
That is not the case here
Brace for the truth
We feel nothing but ruth
Crazy as it may seem
But this is not a scheme

I pity you, my love
You monster is quite witty
Never again will you be the same
As the man I used to claim
For eternity, you shall rot
Against the monster you have fought

Depressing at first
But we are all stressing
Shaking to know you are gone
Aching to the heart, it may be
But remember my love
You gave up
You were not brave
You did not try
To fight the monster inside.

The author's comments:
This poem is about an ex-boyfriend of mine. No, I am not an angry girlfriend who just got dumped. I'm the one who decided to end it. You see, he was a total sweetie at first, but then he changed. He began bullying kids, acting distant and hurtful, and really just being an overall jerk. So, for those that read this that are in a new relationship, I recommend you keep an eye out for change in behavior. My ex was the last person I suspected to turn into such a jerk.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 9 2013 at 8:55 am
writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 71 comments
Love this! It is so true when you think you know someone and then they turn out to not be such a great person!