Les Gens Changent | Teen Ink

Les Gens Changent

August 1, 2013
By _ruthelizabeth BRONZE, Carrickfergus, Other
_ruthelizabeth BRONZE, Carrickfergus, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you're going through Hell, keep going" - Winston Churchill

I don't love you.
I don't want you,
I don't need you.
I never have and I never will.
I can honestly say that I NEVER loved you.

I miss your company, your smile.
I crave your voice, the smell of your hair,
The heat of your breath,
The taste of your lips.
But I can honestly say that I NEVER loved you.

I adore your eyes and how they glazed over when you talked
About what she did to you:
How she treated you,
Hurt you.
But I can honestly say that I NEVER loved you.

I admired how persistent you were,
And how your eyebrows creased the tiniest bit
When you didn't understand a joke.
Somehow I even miss the sleepless nights thanks to your snoring.
But I can honestly say that I NEVER loved you.

I loved how you got colds all the time even though
You took a coat even to the beach.
And how your cheeks used to redden when you blew your nose in front of me.
How slowly your smile spread like honey on hot toast.
But I can honestly say that I NEVER loved you.

I miss how you needed me,
Loved me,
Back then you acknowledged me.
I pine for the days when I mattered to you.
But I can honestly say that I NEVER loved you.

I miss how you always surprised me with just how well you knew me,
Understood me.
How only you could make me laugh so hard my tummy hurt, but also ache like never before.
I long for who you were back then.
But I can honestly say that I never loved YOU.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a friendship I wish had never come to an end. The early regret I felt at this disconnection is what shaped this piece at first, however I found that as I progressed both through life and the poem that I have no right to miss the person and the relationship I had with them, as we had both changed beyond repair. We didn't belong with each other any more, and this poem is about the journey I embarked upon in reaching this conclusion.

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