To Go Back | Teen Ink

To Go Back

July 8, 2013
By swimthenread27 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
swimthenread27 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“...because a life without meaning, without drive or focus, without dreams or goals, isn't a life worth living.”

I want to go back to
when the sun was smiling and
when the moon was shining.
When there were no worries
and no fears to hide behind.
When we could run
and hide from all the scary bad things.
When getting hurt meant
to fall, get hit, or scrape your knee.
I want to go back to
when everything would be so new and exciting.
When waking up early was fun and
you couldn’t wait to go to school.
I want to go back to
when everything was so fresh and new.
When the days seemed long
and time went by slowly.
But most off all I want to
go back to when we thought
that all things would last forever.
But I can’t go back to when the sun was smiling
and the moon was shining so
I’ll watch the stars and dance in the pouring rain.

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This article has 1 comment.

. said...
on Jul. 10 2013 at 9:23 pm
i really liked this peice you are a good writer