alone for ever...? | Teen Ink

alone for ever...?

March 1, 2013
By xX-_love_-Xx BRONZE, Manvel Tx, Texas
xX-_love_-Xx BRONZE, Manvel Tx, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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i cry for the time you where almost mine i cry for the memories iv left behind i cry for the pain the lost the old the new i cry for the time i thought i had you

is it true,
I'm here with out you,
the sI'mple bliss of our little kiss,
you left with out a clue,
you left me with only memories of you,
you didn't look back,
you didn't care,
and now your not there,
our tI'me we spent fading away,
the feelings i feel will never go away,
i just wish you would of stayed,
but now I'm alone,
at what used to be our home.

The author's comments:
your really never alone if you have good friends

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