Here I am again | Teen Ink

Here I am again

November 4, 2012
By thienn21 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
thienn21 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Crying is just like breathing, the longer you hold it the longer you will exhale. - Tablo

The night masks my face
The stars light the way
Standing in Romeo's place
But have no words to say
I find myself here too much
It's starting to be a curse
I'm losing my touch
Could it get any worse?

I think I'm fading
"Were my memories just lies?"
I can't keep waiting
"What color were her eyes?"
How did we meet
"Did we ever become friends?"
If actions went to repeat
Would I find where it ends?
I don't want to relapse
I'd rather not have a word to say
I'd rather the world collapse
Than to not see you the next day
If I let you go I can't think
I can't sleep I'm dying
I've been brought up to the brink
"Should I just give up trying?"

I'm the murderer and the martyr
I'm the undertaker of my tomb
I'm the homeless barterer
I speak my impending doom

The thoughts from under this patio turn old
I'm repeating the same mistake
Is it something from this midnight cold
That keeps my insanity awake?

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