Pick Me Up | Teen Ink

Pick Me Up

April 27, 2012
By Anonymous

“There’s the bell. Off you go.
Please, enjoy the rest of your day.
Remember, you have work to do,
So get it done. Don’t delay.”

“Yes, ma’am; you have a good day, too,”
The young man chimed as he flashed a smile.
And with that he sauntered out the door;
At least now he could rest for a little while.

As soon as he entered the crowded hall,
His best friend approached with a grin and a “Hey.”
The young man replied with a nod and a smirk,
And the conversation started, “How was your day?”

“It was alright, I guess,” began the boy with a sigh.
“Are you sure? What’s the matter?” asked the friend with suspicion.
“Nothing. I’m fine,” barked the boy as an answer.
“If you say so. I’m glad,” remarked the friend in submission.

The day had been rough and showed no signs of relenting.
Rehearsal that day was a kick in the head.
His nerves were frayed from hours of study,
His limbs were exhausted, his mind was dead.

When his mother arrived at the school moments later,
He hauled up his bags like a nomad of sorts.
Once the car was surfeited with his copious luggage
The boy sat in his seat and looked to Mom for support.

“Don’t be discouraged; move on and relax,”
Said his mother, attempting to ease his concerns.
“You’ve had days like this, some much, much worse,
And yet you’ve survived; the world still turns.”

These words were cold comfort to the boy’s weary heart;
As he lay in bed his mind was aflutter.
He looked round his room with anxious emotion;
Then, a realization reached him that caused him to shudder.

His eyes met a cross hung o’er his door,
And at the figure upon it did he choose to stare.
“Your guidance and strength are all I need.”
And he promptly dropped down to his knees in prayer.

“Thank you, my God, for your infinite grace,
For the ones I love, and for the life I’ve been given.
Please grant me what I require to conquer despair
And achieve life everlasting with you in heaven.”

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on May. 24 2012 at 6:10 pm
oldsoul17 SILVER, Exeter, California
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The hardest thing in this world is to live in it-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

really beautiful.....