The He Angel | Teen Ink

The He Angel

August 12, 2011
By Anonymous

The angel is in living He** again today
He is strong
Though he does not belong here

Depressed and on his own, he is forced to find a home in another heart
She is selfish, she is mean, and she tears this fragile life apart
Shattered, he comes to another one
Just like the other one

Holding on by dear life, he takes a strife,
She holds him tight
And as he struggles,
Thunder rumbles
And she flees,
He is down on his knees

He says, "Won't you help me, you kind friend, let me get on feet again?"
I say, "Oh boy just look up to the sky. Get up off your feet and try. No need to ask why."

Worn and weak, he seeks me
And the comfort I bring
We talk about our lives
And the troubles we always seem to find

Drunk on happiness we laugh,
We smile, we sing about beautiful things
The angel gets up to say that he's leaving for the day
And I let him go

Not soon enough, he's back
His heart is cracked yet again
He tries to pretend for me

Then he says, "Won't you help me you kind friend, let me get on my feet again?"
And I say, "Oh boy just look up to the sky. Get up off your feet and try. No need to ask why."

"What are you telling me to do, I thought before that I knew, now I don't think I do, know what to do."
"Oh you tortured young thing, you're wise, look to the sky, and you'll know why. They can knock you off your feet. You can cry or you can see. They can knock you to the ground, they can try to keep you down, but you still believe."
"All I'm asking is why, is the answer in the sky?"
I said, "You can fly. Just try."

I waved goodbye to the angel as he flew flew away
Knowing that, someday he'll reach his final destiny
And his destiny, oh it's heavenly.

The author's comments:
This is about my best friend. He's had a really messed up life, and he always looks to me for guidance, even though I don't see why. He's the wisest and most caring person I've ever met personally. I love you kiddo <3

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This article has 1 comment.

dancestar GOLD said...
on Aug. 18 2011 at 10:59 pm
dancestar GOLD, Westford, Massachusetts
13 articles 0 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:

amazing meaning about friendship...beautiful way to portray friendship and gud for your friend that he was able to overcome all that, but you must've been an amzing friend to help him get thro it, so gud job to u 2 :)