Journey of a Leaf | Teen Ink

Journey of a Leaf

August 4, 2024
By Starz_elite3 BRONZE, Severna Park, Maryland
Starz_elite3 BRONZE, Severna Park, Maryland
2 articles 5 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Keep your face towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you”

Once upon a time, a leaf fell from above

Down to the ground, soaring like a dove

It twisted and twirled, in the cool autumn breeze

On a journey so great, through the tall trees


Through the forest it danced, with grace and flair

Moving with ease, through the sweet morning air

Past the chirping birds and buzzing bees

It traveled on, with so much ease


But as time passed, the leaf began to fade

Its vibrant colors, slowly decayed

And soon enough, it came to rest

Down to the ground, without protest


And though its journey had come to an end

It would forever be remembered as a wonderful friend

For the leaf had shown, in its graceful fall

That even in death, there is beauty in all.

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