Memorize You | Teen Ink

Memorize You

September 8, 2022
By themoonbear PLATINUM, Johnstown, Ohio
themoonbear PLATINUM, Johnstown, Ohio
32 articles 0 photos 6 comments

I want to crack open your skull,

and memorize what’s inside.

I want to feel your agony

and sympathize.


I want to drown with you

in your oceans of trouble,

stare down the same monsters,

and convince you they’re loveable.


I want to break into your dreams,

watch your subconscious come undone,

wide-eyed in awe at the horror,

fears unraveling one by one.


I want to tear open your chest,

feel the beating of your heart,

hear the melody in your lungs,

and find where your universe begins.

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