The Great War | Teen Ink

The Great War

December 3, 2021
By Devin_surless BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Devin_surless BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

STOP! Please don’t do it

My friend

My friend who I’ve known since I was young

The one I relied on

The one who I talked to about everything


STOP! I yell

My friend, you cannot do this

Do you not remember the promise you made!?

You promised those people that you would protect them

And now

Here, in the end

The end of this long journey

You fail them!

They counted on you

I counted on you!


STop… The scream can’t finish the word

As my friend leaves the battlefield

Carrying with him his life 

And nothing else

He was the only one who could stop them

Who are “They” you ask?

They were powerful beasts

And my friend was the only one who could stop them

He was one of them

He turned against his own kind to help us,

Realized we were the good guys

We were like brothers

And now, the end of the world upon us

My friend leaves

Because it was too difficult 

Please… I whisper as the enemy draws near

My friend, you have the power to stop them

He listens, pondering, seeing his brother slowly dying

He speaks

“Are you really the ‘good guys’?”

The question rings in my ears

Good and evil, can they even be separated anymore?

My friend looks down upon me

“Good and evil, black and white, 

Not so easy when you think about it. 

Your people shot first, perceived us as the threat,

We wanted peace!

Your people made it war, not us!”


I’m sorry… I can barely get it out

Was he right?

These ‘beasts’ may have wanted peace all along

Yes, we shot first, but it was out of caution

Tears stream down my cheek, 

Realizing we were wrong to fire so quickly,

That it will end like this

My friend walks away, 

As one of these ‘beasts’ leans down to me, drawing its weapon

A sword of pure energy, cut through me like a hot knife through butter

In my final moments, I see my friend, my brother,

Walk away with the ‘beast’

Who took

My life.

The author's comments:

This piece was written in my creating writing class, we were studying ballads, and this was my entry. I wanted to ask the question about who is really good and who is really evil.

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Mar. 10 2022 at 12:18 pm
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This is really strong!!!
You must have got an A+ for this wonderful piece in creative writing class...