All That Really Matters | Teen Ink

All That Really Matters

March 5, 2018
By grumpyturtle24 BRONZE, Hamilton, Ontario
grumpyturtle24 BRONZE, Hamilton, Ontario
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know what it’s like. To fight every day just to keep yourself sane.


You become so twisted and angry and bitter inside that everything you were before, that person before, it’s gone.


All of its gone and there is nothing you can do about it. That’s gonna happen to you too kid.


It’s gonna happen to you too, unless you stand up! Don’t make my mistakes. Don’t stay silent because you think no one else would ever listen, would ever care. You matter kid. I am telling you, you f***ing matter!


So stand up for yourself. Don’t you let them get that upper hand, kid. Don’t you dare let them make you believe you are anything less than Perfect.







Because you are all that and more, you matter to me,


You matter to me.


I matter to me.


And that’s all that really matters. We don’t need their approval. We don’t need their too big paper smiles and their sugar coated lies laying on beds of roses that hide their thorns.







We are the same person. Falling deeper and deeper into the oblivion that is our minds. And we’re scared kid. I know we are. Because there is no we.


There is only me.


Fighting the losing fight, but still getting up again, despite their lies and shouts of


You can’t do this!


Because I can. I can do this.

I matter to me.

I matter to me.

I f***ing matter to me!


And that’s all that really matters.

The author's comments:

This was written during a time where the whole world seemed to scream 'you're not good enough'. A time where I grew to hate myself for the things I couldn't change, like my sexuality, until finally I had had enough. I started to fight back and scream back at the word. I started to scream 'I don't care if I'm good enough for you because I'm good enough for me.' 

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