Ode to Music | Teen Ink

Ode to Music

February 13, 2018
By ilovetacos9 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ilovetacos9 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because it´s said, doesn´t mean it has to be done.

Music, waiting to be heard     Whenever I listen to you,
Every morning, every            I get lost in thought and
I have you in my head           Everything disappears,
24/7.                                   Nothing else matters.
You have been everywhere,
Parties and funerals
In minds and bodies.
Music, you make me move
Like the dancing
Ocean waves,
You’ve gotten me
In trouble, but that doesn’t
Stop me from listening
To you,
You’re always standing
By my side
Even though you are
Not to be heard
The sweet notes climb
Into my ear,
Sometimes you’re low to
The ground or high as
The sky,
Music, hardcore rock, to
Soft smooth piano.
The words speak to me
If you were
A person
Comfort me like my
Warm bed in the morning,

The author's comments:

What really inspired me to write about music is music speaks to me, it understands me just like a person would. I listen to every single would that is because most people just hear music for fun. For me music explains the mood I am in and most songs have a meaning to it.

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