Dark vs Light | Teen Ink

Dark vs Light

April 2, 2009
By JordanElyse BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
JordanElyse BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

The violet sky darkens
As she hesitaties in the doorway
Paralized in fear
At the single thought
Of crossing
The hallway is silent
Ominously sitll
Like a siberian wasteland
Stepping out
Into the ferocious cold
The stunning silence
And the intence stillness
The dusk approaches
The dark pierces
Like a bayonet
Seeping in
And closing around
A single
Ray of light
The dark


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 23 2009 at 11:56 pm
xXxFallingTearsxXx GOLD, Cottonwood, Idaho
12 articles 0 photos 147 comments
I really like your poem, you have a way of putting the words that makes it sound really good! I rated yours a five, because I think it is so good!