Alone | Teen Ink


May 12, 2017
By Izo19 BRONZE, Humansville, Missouri
Izo19 BRONZE, Humansville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Its not about being who you were; its about keeping who you were as apart of who you are know.&quot;<br /> -Harry Styles

Why do I despair alone,
Why do people tell me I'm useless
Why do others just stare and lough,
Why does know one help me,
Why do they make me lessened weak
Like a homeless person who’s hungry or alone,
Why do I have to feel as if no ones their,
Why does nobody care,
Am I just no one to them,
Like when the people pass the homeless on the streets,
Do they ever get loved,
Like people who watch the sunrise with family and love ones,
Or go through the day with a smile,
Maybe even when the sunset goes,
A new day shale spear,
People will get up and help,
Showing they care,
Maybe one day someone will.

The author's comments:

From how people act twords other, and dont help them or any thing and I hope one day someone will be confadient and help.

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