Brains | Teen Ink


April 18, 2017
By Buddhapoo96 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Buddhapoo96 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brains, brains, brains, how do brains work? Why are some brains big?
Why are some brains small? We will never know unless we use our brains.
Brains are part of us to make us think,
brains are round and slimy like the green slime from Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards they are like mouths
when you feed it, it absorbs information.
Brains give us the mentality to think about things that no one else can think
unless we go through the same thing.
Brains are like a light switch when you think of something it clicks,
your brains lights up like a light bulb.

Your brain is like a scrapbook, memories are always floating around in your mind to remind you of a particular day.
The brain for me is like the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
because when the brain dies you die,when the brain shuts down your body shuts down, the brain controls your body.
Brain, brain, like tracks for a train, controlling the things I can do,
Without brain,I couldn’t be me, and you couldn’t be you!
When I'm feeling some pain,I'm using my brain,
just like I do when I think.

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