Two Liars | Teen Ink

Two Liars

November 17, 2016
By ArtsyAuthor PLATINUM, Oakland, New Jersey
ArtsyAuthor PLATINUM, Oakland, New Jersey
21 articles 1 photo 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"At first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Tell me that I’m special, please tell
Shower me with flowers like a soft shower
Promise me an already broken promise
Nothing this is, absolutely nothing

Show me the world, but it’s just a show
Act like you care, but it’s just an act
Shut yourself in with the door slammed shut
You say it’s for me, but know it’s all for you

Dare me to resist you, and didn’t I dare
All those lies passed without a thought at all
Told me an excuse, and I accepted what was told
You are always lying to me... but did you know I’m lying to you?

Too much you have lied, but I had lied too--
You believed me when I said that I believed you

The author's comments:

We sometimes pretend that the lies of our loved ones are fine... and we end up lying ourselves.


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