Grown Up | Teen Ink

Grown Up

November 2, 2016
By Bacen_Music BRONZE, Vilas, North Carolina
Bacen_Music BRONZE, Vilas, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For my mind is the arsenal and writing is the weapon I choose."

Growing up is a little kids dream
No matter how far away it may seem
When the days of learning your colors and nap time ends
And life as an teenager working towards "adulthood" begins
When life isn't as simple anymore
And you have no idea what's in store
Walking without your parent with your own two feet
You want to be big enough to ride in the front seat
Go on that first date
Getting to stay out late
Starting high school
Something you thought would be so cool
Driving a car
Showing everyone what you've learned this far
Graduating and being on your own
Since now you're all grown
Applying to college and planning a career
Hoping that the decision in time is clear
Looking back now and how growing up is a little kids dream
Times gone by so fast
Now I look back on this being my dream in the past
I love growing up don't get me wrong
Seeing myself grow as time goes on
But time slow down for just a bit
And now as I reach that so called dream of mine
I wish that time would rewind
Give me time to go back to when growing up was my dream and just sit
Look around and enjoy it because when I was little I wanted rid of it

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